In this section articles about Java frameworks such as JSF and Echo2 can be found, as well as articles discussing
the Linux operating system as well as several popular open source applications such as the office suite.
Reasons To Use Linux
Still hesitating to make the move? In this article we list several compelling reasons to migrate to Linux.
JDK 1.6 (Mustang)
GTK L&F Screenshots
JDK 1.6 features an improved GTK look and feel, we downloaded the latest
Mustang version to see how good it is. We were impressed.
Review of the Echo2 Framework
Echo2 is a Java web application framework that allows developers to
create highly interactive web based applications. Echo2 applications are
written in Java and require no HTML or CSS development.
Closer Look at the Echo2 Framework
In this article we write a simple but realistic application using Echo2,
featuring input validation and integration with Hibernate for data
Apache MyFaces 1.1.1
The Apache Software Foundation has recently released version 1.1.1 of
its MyFaces Java Server Faces (JSF) implementation. Apache MyFaces is a
free open source implementation of JavaServer(tm) Faces, a web
application framework, standardized by the Java Specification Request
127. This release addresses over 60 defects, as well as some new
features and improvements.