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A guide to Java, Linux and other technology topics
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Ensode.net provides several useful articles and utilities about several technology related topics. Our site focuses on providing information about the Java programming language and related utilities, as well as on information about the Linux operating system.

New Items

Reasons To Use Linux
Still hesitating to make the move? In this article we list several compelling reasons to migrate to Linux.

Adding "Maven-Like" Dependency Management To NetBeans Projects with Ivy
When working with Maven projects from NetBeans, some very nice NetBeans features are lost, such as the ability to use the Matisse GUI Builder, developing JSF web applications visually and automatically generating JPA entities from existing database schemas. In this article we explain how to keep all the benefits of Maven without losing NetBeans functionality by integrating Ivy into NetBeans projects.

A Java Developer's Review of Fedora 8
The latest version of the Fedora Linux Distribution includes a completely open source Java compiler and JVM called IcedTea, in addition to several Java tools and libraries. We took Fedora 8's tools for a spin and reported our findings in this article.

Developing Rich EJB Clients With GlassFish
GlassFish provides features to make it easy to develop stand alone, Java Swing based EJB clients. In this article we explain how to take advantage of these features.

Guide To Installing Fedora Core 6 On HP Pavilion dv2000 Series Laptops
This guide provides installation and configuration instructions for installing Fedora Core 6 on HP Pavilion dv2000 series laptops.

Introduction To Maven 2
Maven is a tool used to build Java code, similar to ANT. However Maven has a number of advantages over ANT, the main one being it being able to automatically download a project's dependencies from a central repository.

Implementing NSLookup In Java
NSLookup is a command line utility that, given an IP address, returns the corresponding host name and vice versa. This article explains how to write an NSLookup clone in Java.

Unlocking Excel Spreadsheets With JExcelApi
With a little bit of programming expertise and the help of a Java library called JExcelApi, we can fairly easily unlock an Excel spreadsheet. This article explains how.

Beta Excel Spreadsheet Unlocking Utility Released
Sometimes Excel spreadsheets contain locked sheets that cannot be updated without entering a password. This free online utility removes the password protection from any Excel spreadsheet.

Hostname/IP Address Resolution Utility Released
A new utility that resolves an IP address from a given hostname (and vice versa) has just been released.

Popular Items

Free Online PDF Unlocking Utility
Sometimes PDF files prevent the user from printing or copying and pasting their contents. This free online utility removes these restrictions from a PDF file.

Excel Spreadsheet Unlocking Utility
Sometimes Excel spreadsheets contain locked sheets that cannot be updated without entering a password. This free online utility removes the password protection from any Excel spreadsheet.

Getting Started With JasperReports.
JasperReports is a popular open source reporting library. This introductory article will help you get started with JasperReports.

JDK 1.6 (Mustang) GTK L&F Screenshots
JDK 1.6 features an improved GTK look and feel, we downloaded the latest Mustang version to see how good it is. We were impressed.

Displaying JasperReports PDF Reports on the Browser.
JasperReport is capable of directing generated PDF reports to the browser, in this article we explain how.

Review of iReport, a visual report designer for JasperReports.
iReport is a very popular report designer for JasperReports. We took it for a spin and wrote about our experience.

Java EE 6 Development With NetBeans 7
Java EE 6 Development With NetBeans 7

Java EE 6 with GlassFish 3 Application Server
Java EE 6 with GlassFish 3 Application Server

JasperReports 3.5 For Java Developers
JasperReports 3.5 For Java Developers